Coming soon…

Hello, book readers everywhere.

As you can see, this is the Gsquared Books Blog, and we need to get blogging.

So, we have an announcement to make.

Starting January sixth, we will be posting “You know you’re a writer when…” every Friday.

All credit goes to the youknowyoureawriter.tumblr for these excellent images.

Also starting soon, we will be posting little bits of stories that you can read up on each week, slowly building up the chosen short story to an incredible conclusion.

Thanks to all of you for your support. We will be posting this content as soon as possible.

Welcome Readers


And welcome to the official Gsquared Girls blog.

This is a blog that is filled to the brim with stories. Stories about kingdoms and royals, pirates and treasure, and simple people going about their lives. We are two girls, aspiring authors looking for opportunities to share what we have created with others. We are Christians and long to glorify our God and Savior Jesus Christ in everything we do. We love to write and want to provide clean and fascinating stories for all readers. And we obviously both LOVE books.

Hopefully, you’ll find something here that will spark your interest.

Read on Readers. And welcome to a world of imagination.